
DNA Therapeutics - Next-generation medicines

The Chinese character “ren” means people and humanity.
RenBio was founded on the principle that the remarkable medical benefits of antibody therapeutics should be available to everyone.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Advance first-in-class and best-in-class DNA therapeutic technologies to humans.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Modernize and transform the antibody and therapeutic protein fields to significantly reduce the impact of diseases worldwide.

Our Goals

Our Goals

Deliver antiviral antibodies to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and improve the dosing regimen and effectiveness of therapeutic proteins.

Our Values

Thoughtful Action
Collective Wisdom

Make Your Own Technology

Using RenBio’s Make Your Own (MYO) Technology, therapeutic-encoding “bioblueprints” are delivered via modified intramuscular injection, which are then decoded by the muscle cells to produce disease-fighting therapeutics in the patient’s own body.

Learn more about MYO Technology™
the representation of an antibody
the representation of an antibody
the representation of an antibody
the representation of an antibody

Antibody and Protein Therapeutics, Reimagined

Antibody and protein therapeutics can provide an overwhelming benefit for human health, but major obstacles in their administration, efficacy, durability, and cost limit their more widespread use. We have reimagined the way antibody and protein therapeutics can be produced and delivered to overcome these obstacles.

Our delivery platform takes advantage of the body’s ability to produce any given antibody or therapeutic protein when provided with the precise set of genetic instructions. These instructions, encoded in DNA, are biological blueprints.

Applications for MYO Technology
the representation of a science team on a meeting

A Dedicated Team

RenBio was co-founded by Drs. David Ho and Yaoxing Huang, visionary scientists affiliated with the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York City. Since opening our doors in 2016, we have rapidly grown into a diverse, multidisciplinary team, with expertise spanning a range of biological and engineering fields. Our approach leverages the breadth of our collective knowledge to develop a true platform technology with the ability to deliver antibodies and therapeutic proteins for the prevention and treatment of multiple diseases.

Meet the Team
Darpa U.S. Defense Advanced Reserach Project Agency
TaiMed Biologics Logo
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation Logo
Endless Forintier Labs
Columbia University in the City of New York
Chenco Holdings
Astra Zeneca
With Public Support and in Partnership with
New York State of Opportunity - Empire State Development